Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Money, Money, Money!

You know I'm really getting tired of everything costing more money and the salaries not going up! The schools are constantly asking for money...first it was fundraisers, then school pictures, then more fundraisers, then more pictures, yearbooks, and even more fundraisers...how much more money can they ask for???? I don't want my kids to suffer and not get the "prizes" for the fundraisers so I make sure they meet their goals...then I don't want to pass on their school pictures so I buy a package for EACH of them...then I don't want them to miss out on the yearbooks...their first yearbooks...so I'm gunna have to get two of those...then I want to get the holiday pictures (for Christmas cards) but I don't have much more to spend...I sure wish the economy was better and the companies would give their employees a pay raise to help equal out the economic problems! I REALLY wish the "big dogs" of each company would give just ONE month's worth of pay back into their companies for their employees so that they would feel the pinch for each dollar they spend and the need to live paycheck to paycheck! They are just too greedy and don't to part with their money! But then again, maybe that one month wouldn't make much different for them...but that would make my point! I guess that's enough of my soap box for now...DON'T FORGET TO GO VOTE!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen sister! I am gonna have my two kids in school next year and I am not looking forward to having to spend all the money they ask for ! !