Friday, November 14, 2008
Megan's 5th Birthday!
Today is my Baby Girl's 5th birthday! I can't hardly believe that she is already 5! It just seems like yesterday I got the call saying that there is a little girl who is 8 months old who is up for adoption! WOW! I guess I will always remember that day! What I was doing! What I did as soon as I got that call! I called my husband who was on his way to work...then I called my mom to go with me to pick up my little girl!!! Then I called my mother-in-law to see if she could come over and watch my day care kids and my son so that we could go get my daughter! GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!! He has His way of things and that way is the BEST way for us! I praise God daily for each of my kids! They ALL are miracles and blessings to me! Megan, I love you and I wish I could have been there when you were born but I thank God for sending you to me! Happy 5th birthday, Baby Girl!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ladies Day
I'm so looking forward to the Ladies' Retreat at our church on Saturday! A day when I can spend time with ladies and listen to a wonderful speaker talking about discipleship! James will have to go with me since I'll have to feed him since it's an all day event but I'm so looking forward to spending time with other ladies! I just pray that God will touch each and every ladies' life that is there! I also pray for those that will not be able to attend! I hope you all have a wonderful day and the rest of the week!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Money, Money, Money!
You know I'm really getting tired of everything costing more money and the salaries not going up! The schools are constantly asking for money...first it was fundraisers, then school pictures, then more fundraisers, then more pictures, yearbooks, and even more much more money can they ask for???? I don't want my kids to suffer and not get the "prizes" for the fundraisers so I make sure they meet their goals...then I don't want to pass on their school pictures so I buy a package for EACH of them...then I don't want them to miss out on the yearbooks...their first I'm gunna have to get two of those...then I want to get the holiday pictures (for Christmas cards) but I don't have much more to spend...I sure wish the economy was better and the companies would give their employees a pay raise to help equal out the economic problems! I REALLY wish the "big dogs" of each company would give just ONE month's worth of pay back into their companies for their employees so that they would feel the pinch for each dollar they spend and the need to live paycheck to paycheck! They are just too greedy and don't to part with their money! But then again, maybe that one month wouldn't make much different for them...but that would make my point! I guess that's enough of my soap box for now...DON'T FORGET TO GO VOTE!!!!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Halloween Pictures 2
Halloween Pictures
James - 3 months old
James - 2 months old
I took these pictures in my living room and had a blast. There are more but these are some of my favorites! I hope you enjoy them! The kids had fun and they were so easy to photograph. James got fussy at the end of the "session" because in our family photo you can tell he's crying! Oh, well! Maybe next time!
James - 1 month old
James - 3 weeks old
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