Here are some pictures of our youngest son's birth...isn't he just so cute! Thank God everything went well and we both were healthy and recovered fast!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Picture of James - birth
Here are some pictures of our youngest son's birth...isn't he just so cute! Thank God everything went well and we both were healthy and recovered fast!
James is 3 months old today!
I cannot believe that my baby boy is 3 months old today! Just three months ago I was in the hospital waiting for his arrival! I've taken some pictures (like I always do) today to celebrate him being 3 months old. I hope you enjoy them!
Now back to the past...
10 months ago...December 2007
We learned that we were pregnant...I took three home pregnancy tests because I didn't believe the first one and so I took three to make sure they were all the same. I took two on Saturday morning and then one on Sunday morning. It was so hard not to tell anyone because we had a family Christmas on Saturday and then saw family on Sunday at church. The hardest people not to tell was my parents and my grandma because I know that they have been praying for this to happen along with us and many other people I'm sure. After church and church activities, I told my sister because I couldn't stand it and had to tell someone! Plus I can't keep things from my sister! Then on Monday morning I call the doctor's office and asked for a blood test. So I went in for a blood test and they said that the results should be in that afternoon...but they didn't come it. So I had to wait until the next day...the first thing in the morning...the doctor's office called and confirmed my pregnancy. So that day, we told the older kids and they were wondering why I was crying...I told them they were happy tears! Then we had to explain things and that there was a baby growing inside of Mommy's tummy. My daughter, Megan, said (with a very concerned look on her face) "Mommy why did you swallow the baby?" I told her that I didn't swallow the baby and that God put the baby in Mommy's belly. I called my sister to tell her that we were definitely pregnant. Then we loaded the kids up and called my parents to see where they were. They weren't at home so we went searching for them. My mom was at a consignment shop. We had the kids give her a note that said, "Darnell Family News: Megan and Andrew are proud to announce that they will be a big sister/brother in July 2008!" My mom looked at me and said, "Are you telling me that you are..." I said, "Yes, Mom! I'm pregnant!" We cried and hugged each other and everyone around the store was looking at us wondering why we were Mom announced that I was pregnant! Then we went searching for my dad. We found him at my brother's house. So we were able to tell him and my brother and sister-in-law in one stop! After that we went to my Grandma's house and told her in a similar way as we did my mom. Then from there we started calling people. We couldn't wait to share our wonderful blessed news! We went to my mother-in-law's house to tell her...since she lives out of town, we had to wait until my husband was off to go to her house since we would have to spend the night. Everyone was happy for us!
My pregnancy was the BEST pregnancy I could have ever asked for! I had a few problems with staph infections and high blood pressure (toward the end) but I think it was ALL worth it!
July 2008: This was a tough month because of my high blood pressure, I was put on bed rest for a while and then I was told to take it easy but that I didn't have to spend all my time lying down...but that I couldn't mow the grass or run a marathon...I wouldn't want to do that to begin with! After one of my doctor's appointments, I was told to schedule an I checked into the hospital on Monday, July 21 in the afternoon after my doctor inserted the induction catheter. I was told to check into the hospital and to take it easy that afternoon/evening because I would have a hard, busy day on Tuesday. BOY! The doctor knew what he was talking about! I did have a very hard day but I LOVE MY REWARD for all my hard work! I was in labor from about midnight until about 9:00 pm. That's when the doctor decided that I was not going to be able to have my baby naturally because he was facing up and his head was tilted back to the point that he wasn't dropping. At 9:29 pm my baby boy was delivered via C-section. I thank God that everything was fine and that we were both healthy! This is the day that God blessed us with our miracle birth! And now we have the rest of his life to love and spoil him!

Now back to the past...
10 months ago...December 2007
We learned that we were pregnant...I took three home pregnancy tests because I didn't believe the first one and so I took three to make sure they were all the same. I took two on Saturday morning and then one on Sunday morning. It was so hard not to tell anyone because we had a family Christmas on Saturday and then saw family on Sunday at church. The hardest people not to tell was my parents and my grandma because I know that they have been praying for this to happen along with us and many other people I'm sure. After church and church activities, I told my sister because I couldn't stand it and had to tell someone! Plus I can't keep things from my sister! Then on Monday morning I call the doctor's office and asked for a blood test. So I went in for a blood test and they said that the results should be in that afternoon...but they didn't come it. So I had to wait until the next day...the first thing in the morning...the doctor's office called and confirmed my pregnancy. So that day, we told the older kids and they were wondering why I was crying...I told them they were happy tears! Then we had to explain things and that there was a baby growing inside of Mommy's tummy. My daughter, Megan, said (with a very concerned look on her face) "Mommy why did you swallow the baby?" I told her that I didn't swallow the baby and that God put the baby in Mommy's belly. I called my sister to tell her that we were definitely pregnant. Then we loaded the kids up and called my parents to see where they were. They weren't at home so we went searching for them. My mom was at a consignment shop. We had the kids give her a note that said, "Darnell Family News: Megan and Andrew are proud to announce that they will be a big sister/brother in July 2008!" My mom looked at me and said, "Are you telling me that you are..." I said, "Yes, Mom! I'm pregnant!" We cried and hugged each other and everyone around the store was looking at us wondering why we were Mom announced that I was pregnant! Then we went searching for my dad. We found him at my brother's house. So we were able to tell him and my brother and sister-in-law in one stop! After that we went to my Grandma's house and told her in a similar way as we did my mom. Then from there we started calling people. We couldn't wait to share our wonderful blessed news! We went to my mother-in-law's house to tell her...since she lives out of town, we had to wait until my husband was off to go to her house since we would have to spend the night. Everyone was happy for us!
My pregnancy was the BEST pregnancy I could have ever asked for! I had a few problems with staph infections and high blood pressure (toward the end) but I think it was ALL worth it!
July 2008: This was a tough month because of my high blood pressure, I was put on bed rest for a while and then I was told to take it easy but that I didn't have to spend all my time lying down...but that I couldn't mow the grass or run a marathon...I wouldn't want to do that to begin with! After one of my doctor's appointments, I was told to schedule an I checked into the hospital on Monday, July 21 in the afternoon after my doctor inserted the induction catheter. I was told to check into the hospital and to take it easy that afternoon/evening because I would have a hard, busy day on Tuesday. BOY! The doctor knew what he was talking about! I did have a very hard day but I LOVE MY REWARD for all my hard work! I was in labor from about midnight until about 9:00 pm. That's when the doctor decided that I was not going to be able to have my baby naturally because he was facing up and his head was tilted back to the point that he wasn't dropping. At 9:29 pm my baby boy was delivered via C-section. I thank God that everything was fine and that we were both healthy! This is the day that God blessed us with our miracle birth! And now we have the rest of his life to love and spoil him!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
WOW! A lot has happened since my last blog! Where do I start? First of all, our children have grown up, of course, it's been more than three years since I've blogged! (And I promised I would keep up with has a different plan sometimes! LOL!) Well, we are no longer foster parents but we enjoyed ALL the kids we've fostered! We fostered a total of 29 children over the last four years...two of which are permanent members of our family now! HOORAY! PRAISE GOD! We decided in December 2007 that we would no longer be foster parents and our last two foster children left our home in January and February of 2008. From the very beginning, we said that we would foster until we had all the children we wanted or we became pregnant! Guess which one it was...YES...WE BECAME PREGNANT! PRAISE GOD! We found out we were pregnant in December 2007. Our wonderful miracle son was born in July needless to say that's what's been keeping me so busy over the past year and before that my kids and the other foster kids kept me busy. Along with all that, we bought our new house in July 2007 so I've been busy fixing things how I want it...and still working on that...I've got many more projects I want to do! I will post pictures soon! Until then, please accept my apologizes for not posting blogs sooner! May God bless ya'll and your families!
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